Monday, February 13, 2012

Bejing Week 2

Well after last week feeling so very miserable with the cold - I think I have had a turning point today. I have to say my eating habits last week were pretty much as bad as I felt. I turned to easy foods and didn't pay much attention to good or bad.

Today I decided to eat better as I am feeling a bit better than I have. Not to mention that my "aunt" is ending her visit which helps as it seems I am always hungry when that visit is here each month.

I started today with the Raisin Bran equivalent. (The flakes are quite the same but still bran cereal.) And a couple of clementines.

At lunch I was on my own so I went across the street and had a their equivalent of "Kung Pao Chicken." Their veggies are interesting as the cucumber inside it - is pickled. They give you SO much rice that I didn't make a very big dent in it. I ate all the chicken, a decent amount of the veggies but didn't finish. I did have a small lapse in that I ordered the "bbq pork buns" but only ate the insides as there was a lot bun and not much pork. I bought apples from the 7-11 and had one of those as a snack. Then a "peanut flavored' cookie in the breakroom caught my eye.

I have also had a tablespoon of the Chinese cough syrup. It is thick, full of herbs and honey.

For dinner one of my students today offered to take me to Chinese "hot pot" which is also fondue. 

I got to talk to the boys on Skype today. *sigh* how I miss their faces. Yesterday was the hardest as I had nothing planned and basically didn't speak to anyone.

I walked over to the "mall" that is a few blocks from my hotel. It is like any mall in America. I was bad and had a cheeseburger from Nathan's Famous. It was not very good. I went back to the hotel watched more NCIS and then went to 7-11 for some snacks. (Fruit, crackers, chips and a soup. Peanuts that are supposed to be honey coated but just have an odd shell on them) Then went back to the hotel and watched movies and ate my soup. Was going to eat the rest of my Subway sandwich from Friday but it didn't tast very good so I threw it out. I washed clothes :) I used the hotel shampoo and washed my under things and hung them in the upstairs bathroom to dry. I sent the shirts and pants out to hotel laundry this morning. (Just seems weird to let strangers wash my underwear.)

The tour to the Summer Palace was very nice (would have been much nicer in Summer) and the Great Wall - well was amazing. I never would have thought I would get to see it in person. I bought some jade for the boys and some tea for me. I hope to get to go shopping at a market this weekend.

That is all I have for now.

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