Thursday, October 1, 2009

My first October Shopping Trip

So I am thinking I didn't score like I did last week. However, I still didn't do badly...

I went to two - actually 3 stores tonight.

I started at Albertson's - my total bill was 82.50 with my card, coupons and their Big Price Relief savings - I paid $44.64 - so nearly saved as much as I spent. (savings - $37.86)

I then went to Smith's which is where I prefer to do my weekly regular shopping. My bill came to $115, I spent - $80.97 so another savings of over $30. But not the save as much as I spend rule again.

Because Smith's (nor Albertson's that I saw) carry the max pack Lemonade and I needed Ibuprofen, sheet protectors and Darren's favorite Dill Pickle Relish - I went to Walmart. That was not a good idea... *sigh* - Another $50+ because of course I couldn't just get those four things...

A little disappointing in my second week. I did however make it all week bringing my lunch. (With of course the BWW Thursday allowable exception.) Tomorrow I head off camping. So no more getting into trouble money wise I hope!

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