Saturday, January 16, 2010

Journey Update 01/16/10

I am down 3 pounds this week! Weeeeee!

I am so very pleased with the progress. People have been coming up to me at work noticing and asking questions.

I went through my closet and tossed everything that was a size too big. ACK! Is it empty!

I had my first experience with getting something "stuck" this week. Essentially if something gets "stuck" there is a sharp almost pinching feeling in the middle of the chest. This happened this week when I was trying to eat French Toast. I made it with the same bread I eat every day and eggs... I don't think I soaked the bread long enough nor chewed well enough. Trust me not a pleasant feeling. So I am being much more careful again.

Weight Watchers is still my guideline for what to eat. Lean meats, high fiber, low fat and it really seems to be helping.

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