Yesterday went great! I am SO surprised at how MUCH food 1200 calories of good stuff gets you. Eating plain cheerios at the same time as an orange is like having sweetened cheerios. The one thing that messes me up on that diet is the milk. I am not used to drinking that much milk. I may have to cut it down to just what goes in the cereal and give those calories to something else.
I managed to do 25 minutes on the treadmill last night at varying inclines and speed.
Today's menu includes:
B - Milk, fruit, cereal
S - Granola Bar
L - Salad, pita, yogurt pop
S - yogurt
D - veggie, pork chops, couscous, fruit
I took today off of work. I had also taken off last Friday. Boy did I need the days off. I am hoping these next two weeks on this diet gets me in the habit of good choices. I head to Beijing on 02/05/12 so I want to know what I should and shouldn't eat. I know I should stay away from fried foods and, looking at this diet, severely increase my intake of fruit. I am surprised at how little fruit I have been eating. It isn't like I don't like it... I love apples, berries, melon, peaches, oranges, grapefruit and pears. But somehow they weren't on my regular grocery list. After Beijing, I go to San Francisco for 3 days and then a cruise the week after that. You can see I REALLY need to make good habits.
I almost forgot - I am supposed to have lunch with Jackie today. I think I will eat before I go and maybe just sit with her or have a side salad. That should help.
Other than that - my plans for the day are to do laundry, clean my room and finish a couple quilts. I also plan on making my lunches for the rest of the week. I know not too exciting am I.
Other random notes -
- I realized I had bought Monster Jam World Finals (monster truck) tickets that falls on the same day I get back from the cruise. Problem is - I can't get a flight back in time to go. This was a "me and Erik" thing. I asked Josh, and his newly acquired license, to take him. I think they will have a good time.
- I spend WAY too much money. I am promising myself no more trips to JoAnn's until I make the quilts I already have plenty of fabric for. (I can make at least 5 right now oh and finish two that I already have in the works!) And no more trips to BAR no matter how good their food is. I spend too much in their machines and eat their way bad for you food. Since I will be gone for a month, this shouldn't be too hard to stick too ;-)
- I am having family dinner night next Sunday. Our theme is German. I will have to find out how many calories bratwursts are and adjust down the rest of the day.
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